GG.MaRs: For those who have been logged and bought unban cards, we also check with the purchase history, no need to worry.
Soon we will be raising the price for unban cards.
Here's a good news. We're planning to improve our new registration system. New registration will be limited in the future. New users will have to be verified via mobile service in order to have first-time login. One account per mobile number.
(Comment from GG.MaRs' Halloween Greeting, not verified yet)
i support u if u can make garena hack-free
Support your head, this is more like a challenge to us.
nice 1 ^^
nilah plan yg bagus sekali
really ma? i use unban card at 1st banlist then never use hack but got ban again.
please check k thanks
raise how many? x2?
Lets wait for a new platform to come up, garena suck ass big time
raise unban card prize?
limit account per mobile no.?
we'll go broke.. money suckers..
how abt putting d title of tis topic GG.Mars The Vampire Garena Ville?
lets wait for heros of newearth
hmm those candy is like take it or leave it.
what if i dont have a mobile? or i dont want to buy one? then we`ll go to bnet
i think vy soon ady.. they payment system oso can use mobile le, y not registration? tis is real man.
make it hack-free then i no use hack anymore.
ggmars, hackers, both +u
The more Garena trys to intimidate hackers... The more they are digging their own grave...
Garena lose people = lose everything.
People leave bcoz of Fked up Garena.
Bottomline : U Reap What U Sow!
It won't work, not like mobile services work in all country :).
Try ur best to make it hack-free ...
but i don think so , u can make it to be hack-free ...
i rmb last time gm raise from 99 to 199 am i correct?
im curious what about this time <_<
i dunno what the hell happening now... vy confuse.... sumbody xplain to me?
good plan <3
but make hack-free beforehand, or else useless...
mean now should go and create as many accout u can
mean now u should create as many accout as u can
Haha, verify via mobile? Not just the same that verify via email?
Cant I just buy a new phone number to verify? GG.MaRs is so stupid!
You can't stop us using cracked garena, BOO!!
u not understand la, phonenumber card need $$, verify need $$, so evyone will cherish acc.
mars want try to purify hacker! banzai!
dont talk so many just ban n get ur money k?
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