To Garena Gamers,
We have launched a BETA test for the Garena DotA Ladder System. This is implemented in all previous DotA rooms. The levels displayed in the ladder rooms will now be your LADDER level and not your GARENA level. This means everyone will start without a level if you have not played a ladder game.
We will be slowly implementing the website in the near future to fully launch the ladder system.
Thank you,
Garena Staff
thank you oso
Thank you,
Whats the best hack for now?
garenabypas stil work for me
best is private
go play ladder la
Ladder What room???
got ladder name = ladder LOL
ya lik b4
guys I want to know what is lader room
and the defrint between normal room
and where I can find thes room's
ladder mean ur win/loss will be recorded, so if u keep leaver game then they will c ur record n kick u
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