Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dota - Nevermore The Dark Knight Returns

Enjoy =)


Anonymous said...

1st Blood :D

Rampage !!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

so noob



Anonymous said...

easy only add me Red-Hell wan we test ? -apsm [ 1 vs 1 ] me show u @@ what is Nevermore

Anonymous said...

y mh plus n00b's game...

you cannot hit blind every time...

Anonymous said...

not mh but skill ;)

Anonymous said...

skill and experience ;)

Anonymous said...

100% MH

Anonymous said...

obviously mh that SF... zzz

Anonymous said...

haha...nice visual..

Anonymous said...

lol u all play more dota will understand that this is skill and experience.

Anonymous said...

d prediction is pro to be true... feel that some parts are skills n experience.. others.. 1 word = MapHack =P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mh fool...

Anonymous said...

skill and experience dun make u raze like this, example for the potm's arrow. the arrow could be shot from a far away distance as it misses by a huge amount of dist. so unless the sf has too much mana to waste, little players will do this.

concluded mh was used.

Anonymous said...

wow he killed bh when he is in invis mode !

GG.MaRs said...

fuck off ...maphacker SF ~ still dare post on youtube~NoobSh1T

Sogovegeta said...

hahaha, me pro leh?pro like SHIT@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

mh using-shadowfrench
GarenaRoom-Singapore Dota room 22

ImCB said...

i agree.. u cant hit blind everytime
guessing whr ur opp go n just skill waste ur mana and make u look noob whn u play.. obviously u either got a ward nearby or u really maphack..
if u guys really 5v5 i wanna be observer.. ahas..

Anonymous said...

Sogovegeta is a well known pro dota player since 6.48 with his dagger combo

motherfather said...

i don trust this fucking noob SF!!!
But if holyhexor play SF..i trust!!!

Anonymous said...

no matter hack or not, the nice effect n music alrdy worth the time to watch

HackED said...

If people shows off skill in YT people then claims it to be MH; Sogovegeta is an experienced user of SF and other heroes. You can't simply say he is using MH. H0lyhex0r is a skilled player too. He admitted before that he uses MH but it requires skill to hit your enemy still. I accept both players. Accepted as a skilled player.

Anonymous said...

holyhexor can play godly even without mh and his team is losing because of lack of team strategy.

Anonymous said...

yeah, the potm arrow make me kept thinking. i played so much dota games and realise a decent potm player wont arrow at such a close range -.-.

Anonymous said...

1st at all he knows sits like this where mh can be found

2nd if you know sites for mh then you 99% you are mh-er too

3rd so much kills invisible heroes

4th next time dont post such noob videos - people will laugh at yoy

Anonymous said...

When you on maphack and play a game
After saving the replay and watching it with fog on it will look like that :)

Anonymous said...

this video call noob hai play dota

Im|CB said...

hahas.. maphack or not, to produce this vid he made great effort.. keep it up^^

Anonymous said...

Agreed that skils are required to use razes effectively, but killing invi heros so many times inpsite of them taking different paths (and I mean not like noobs going in stright line) is kinda hard to digest. If you cleary see, most heros are not taking a regular path for escape. For example, KOTL near the mid sentinel first tower. He didnt go towards the river. Instead, he went towards the sentinel base and that is kinda hard to predict. So I wonder how Nevermore knew he was not goning towards the river.

Anonymous said...

Hey, he would only upload razes that hit right? It makes no sense if he upload razes that fail. So it could be one in manymany games. So why are you people complaining that he mh?

Anonymous said...

LOL... Some people just can't believe that this is real pro...Watch the Video damn ass and you'll see that there's a time he missed a razed...You say it's mh because this guy is better than you...
You'll see he's not mh-ing by watching it carefully...

Anonymous said...



@99%MH user

People who use hacks on garena doesn't mean they rely on MH, most people only care about the no 5 secnds waiting and no more GM nag. That kind of hack can only be seen on sites with MH included. So your "theory" or etc. is wrong.

Anonymous said...

alal noob play mh sf...wan show off

Anonymous said...

100% maphacker ! =P

Anonymous said...

hahah its too obvious mh alr. see the movements of sf is so clear. Even pros movements are different. What a fail sf this is

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