(by Phroyt)
As promised here's another handy tool.
It's based on another approach to bypass Garena AntiHack Engine.
- Undetected
- Enable any hacks (hidetoolz required)
- Remove 5 seconds
- Remove GoldMember nag
- Open any hacks
- Run hidetoolz on it
- Open Garena (Doesn't matter login or not)
- Run GGregen
- Find Garena process in the list, then Regenerate it
- Done, you can close it
- Start your game and enjoy
Download Link >
An updated version available HERE...
u r fast
so mafan
thx for sharing
Not a good program.. It need to use a HideToolz to hide the process of the hack:(
yeah i hate use so many things to open 1hack
thanks for sharing anyway keep up the good work
my eset are notice this one are virus...
wrong report?
ty but universal still best, no nid any bypass xD
hidetoolz is a well-known bypass tool but still many antivirus detect it as virus, just false report, dont mind it.
got a window virus not safe
also only advantage of this tool is.. it hide any hacks included blackshot.. other game.. not limited to war3 only
If you're Warcraft III player just use Garena Universal MapHack, that's it.
Blackshot? CS? Ok you can have this to hide your hack.
if tis is a forum
i will say..
topic closed lol
yep thx for share anyway
close & delete GengineXXXX service thats all
not big trick enough
if they active the driver when Garena started instead of game started or check the serivce status. this method will be useless
anyway I have a much better method in Ring 3 , very similar to the one you used, but instead I took the handle of the driver program, Hooking startservice and added a close driver method
you could try
Garena anti hack system is very weak and disappointed, I wish I could take a part of the team and make the strongest Ring0 anti hack defence system just like Nprotection
from cqccyh explantion seems lik tat's safe undetected
GEngine uses a driver to hook Ring3 and Ring0.
Remove this hook on Win XP SP1 & SP2 is Easy.
Only restore de SDT and all is gone.
You don't need either to stop driver.
But Vista and newer OS don't accept unsigned drivers and Kernel land access on User land.
I don't stop the service driver.
As you can see it still running, but in pending status.
Until GG_Protection device is closed.
It's only marked for deletion too.
So windows removes the garbage after shutdown.
Stopping the driver and removing the GG_Protection handle will cause a crash on Garena.
My tool is indeed to Garena
If they change it all is gone too.
An advanced user, don't need any Crack or Hack.
Just Process Hacker and Kernel Detective.
But I made this to normal users.
The only solution to Garena is to use some warden approach:
Watch the offsets and advice the other users in game that this user is a Cheater. Even need to BAN.
Maybe a drop like -ah switch.
Nice to see that you take your time to check this out.
What GarenaHack have show real'IP function?
I find many GarenaHack not a show real'IP function
Who know this function GarenaHack tell me please
safe but troublesome step..
Plz.CHeck.This gonna VIRUS!!!!!!
please check it, virus!??
this is not virus, just the code similar to virus then antivirus consider it is virus.
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